Travel to Brass View Apartments, Greywood. Objective: Collect Items (6 Blood Sample). Return to Douglas Francis in Chelsea's Watering Hole, Archbrook to receive a reward of $1819 and 4170 EXP.
Submitted by HAVEN
1. Lobby
2. RSD
3. LSD
4. 1RDD - 1RSD
5. 2RDD (H)
6. 2RDD - 2LSD
7. 2RDD - 3LSD


Old Key: 1RDD - 2RSD
Ornate Key: 2RDD - RSD

1. LSD (2369)
2. 2RDD - 2LSD (Shapes; 9996)

Boss rooms:
1. 2RDD - RSD - 2LSD (Tentacled Irradiated Choir)
2. 2RDD - 4LSD (Diseased Spider)
Thanks: frostmourne16
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